A Han Dynasty Burial Hall

Author: Naveen Marasinghe

Discovered in 1955, the Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb is a fine astral illustration of a Han Dynasty burial hall, which is about 2,000 years old. The tomb was unearthed during the excavation of the current Lei Cheng Uk estate. Since then the Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb has gone through some widespread study and restoration and was opened in 1957.

Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb reveals abundant proof of the impact made by the Eastern Han Dynasty. It also includes a writing of Panyu on the bricks of the tomb. Panyu was back then a significant province of what is now called Hong Kong. The distinctive design and calligraphy of the tomb reveals its amazing history.

Currently covered but visible through a huge glass panel, the Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb comes as a form of a cross with four chambers. However the design does not signify any sort of connection with Christianity since the religion was unknown in China during the time of Han Dynasty which was 25AD to 220AD.

Pottery, food storage and cooking vessels were among the artefacts discovered from the burial site. These artefacts reveal the Chinese importance on food. Two of the recovered artefacts were authentic and bronze utensils. Among the objects recovered were washing basins, bronze bells and mirrors.

Adjacent to the Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb lies a massive exhibit hall. This exhibition hall displays videos and photographs that reveal the history of the Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb and the efforts that were put in to excavate and conserve it.

Once the Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb and grounds were located near the shore, however due to modern day land reclamations that takes place now these are positioned more than a mile inland. At present, visitors to this tomb site will not be able to witness an olden day Scottish-style or burial site of Egyptian-style. Instead, today, the burial place is bordered by contemporary style buildings and streets.

For further exploration of the Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb travellers both local and international can plan their stay at a Hong Kong Hotel or Kowloon Hotel. For example, Eaton Hotel Hong Kong is renowned for offering world class facilities in an excellent location.

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About the Author

Naveen Marasinghe is an Online Marketing Executive at eMarketingEye which is a search engine marketing company that offers integrated Internet marketing solutions and specializes in serving the online travel and hospitality industry. (


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